So, Today (26/08), I am going back to my hometown to meet my beloved baby and beautiful wife.. ;D
After a month, have to study for an expert auditor sertification for my audit carrerr. Finnaly I can go back home... Yey!
I got back with Krakatau Train from Kereta Api Indonesia (KAI) Company. The different thing I notice is that, now KAI use new prosedur for it passenger: boarding pass procedure.
What wierd is that, this new control is make thing more complicated. Because, as a passangger, we must self-print our boarding pass before can go to waiting room.
There is no efficiency, effectiveness, or economic added value with this prosedur.
Without this boarding pass procedure, with only just our ticket. It still can differentiate between people that have right, which buy the seat, with people that not have right.
The boarding pass, doesn't make the procedure more effective. It already is effective.
Efficiency. There also more complex procedure. So no better efficiency. And printing a boarding pass is a cost, so no more economics also.
Just why doing something troublesome which no more efficiency, effectiveness, or economic value added? Why added boarding pass procedure if no add value in it?
The answer for the question, which I can observe is that: it makes thing more disciplines and KAI get better data on which passangger is really use the train.
Disciplines is a big problem in Indonesia, specialy Jakarta. Because long term of law enforcement on how people must behave. Queueing in the traffic light, for Example, you'll just get the dust and wait too long if you queue rightfully. People will just take the place in front of you when they can, even when they cross the traffic light line. Police will do nothing to them.
So, this boarding pass procedure, as like other procedure that being used by KAI is try to force people to be discipline. No more people sitting and sleeping on the floor waiting for 15 hour latter train departure.
Get a better data is also another thing. KAI will have a better data on how many people really on board. This data can be analyzed for customers behavior to make a better performance (efficiency, effectiveness, economics).
Kamis, 25 Agustus 2016
Sabtu, 20 Agustus 2016
Angry Generation
So this story begin with the smartness of the foolish me... haha
Jam 20.45, Minggu 12/5, baru aja selesai makan bebek dan meluncur pulang ke kosan tercinta naek bebek (juga, tapi) otomatic. Then the great foolish of me read the nice big colorful advertisement about Festival Tari Budaya Riau that I read the day before too. With all the curious and handsome eyes of mine, ngliat keramaian di sebelah kiri iklan. Mengira kalau itu acara nya masih on. So, daripada langsung pulang mending nonton. kali aja dapat hal menarik, selain juga ngisi waktu yang kayaknya sayang kalo dilewatkan dikosan.
(jadi kangen seseorang yang ga bisa nemenin karena satu dan lain hal yang tidak bisa disebutkan satu per satu karena alasan privasi yang sangat rumit dan akan panjang lebar kalau disebutkan disini, hohoho) :P
so, the smart foolish me, take the nice chance to see the Mojang of Riau, haha (ssttt, dont be to loud, im afraid she would read this and with all her jealousy, she would kill more of the mosquito then she should. cz, you know im an animal lover, including that annoying mosquito... {but dont believe it, i lied!} haha)
waktu mo masuk, dimintain bayar parkir. and the ganteng me ask (M=me;T=them):
M: Acara sampe jam berapa bang?
T: Jam satu-an paling
M: (WTF, acara apa nih nyampe jam 1 malem? but, think positively: mungkin emang dah berubah trendnya, X-factor aja nyampe jam 1 boleh masak tari ga? ya kan! haha)
M: oh, ok deh.
tanpa babibu mengeluarkan uang dari dompet lecek bergambar Pangeran Antasari (lebih dari standar biasa yang bergambar sang Kapten Pattimura). lalu memasukkan bebek putih menuju pelataran depan Gedung Taman Budaya Pekanbaru.
and I found something so wrong about it: Banyak anak muda berkaos hitam berlalu lalang (koq bisa? ini tariannya ada sisi darknya kali yah?)and then its all answered in the ticketing area. What i heard is not some tradisional music that i was some raw sound of the darkness it self, suara musik metal! haha
in the ticketing door, i stop for a moment. and think, "Masuk ga ya?"
Whatever lah, daripada di kosan. Selain pengen liat juga nih band indienya pekanbaru kyak gimana.bayar HTM dengan selembar kertas bergambar... apa yah? koq lupa... pokoknya 50 puluh ribuan lah... hohoho :P dan ternyata dikembalikan setengahnya. Well, not really expensive but not cheap either.. T.Tga papa lah dah nyampe sini juga. "Yen wani aja wedi2, yen wedi aja wani2," said Ki Manteb Sudarsono. (emang mo ngapain pake berani2an segala. -.-')
something i notice is that, the girl that surrounding this area is not ugly (if you know what i mean) even with their black Tshirt and so ask why? i dont know. (even though i have some theory.. B))
oke, get the ticket and bonus sticker, get stamped in hand, and get in. disambut suara gahar khas death metal: raungan gitar distorsi, double pedal drum, sama suara teriakan serak nada bawah si vokalisnya.
So, what do i do now?! i ask my handsome self.
enjoy it! F* Yeah!
but you know what, dont expect me to enjoy it with ber-pogo ria. Man, F* NO! hahauda salah kostum saya masuk, tengsin dan sayang dompet ma HP juga kalo ikutan berjingkrak-jingkrak trus jatoh dan ilang.
Jadi? duduk sajalah melihat dari kejauhan, bersama banyak penonton lain yang juga hanya duduk ria, meski tidak sama2 memakai baju berwarna cerah seperti saya.. -.-'
and then i got the epiphany to write about what i tought about this whole death metal thing.
So lets begin the serious thing, once again This Is Serious!
You've Been Warned !!! :P
gue bukan penggemar musik metal, tapi gue termasuk hobi dengan musik. i have a APX500II in my room. gue dengerin hampir semua genre musik dan menikmatinya. mulai dari yang tradisional: gamelan dan karawitannya jawa, Klasik, Mainstrem:pop, rock; sampai yang anti mainstream kayak nih death metal. So, this is what i feel and what i thought about it.
musik metal tetep saja musik. sebagai musik dia tetep memakai unsur utamanya yaitu ritme (ketukan). dan begitu ketukan ini menyatu dengan riff simple yang pas... pendengarnya akan tersihir mirip dengan sihiran dari suara musik Reog. Begitu mendengar dan mencoba menikmatinya pilihannya cuma 2 bagi pendengar: Trance dengan musiknya atau tertegun melihatnnya, eh, mendengarnya. kalau anda pernah menonton pertunjukan reog, penontonnya tidak ada yang gaduh atau mengobrol sendiri ketika menonton. tapi ditengah arena yang "kesurupan" ngibing bersama musik reog. tidak jauh berbeda dengan keadaan sekarang. yang berpogo kayak orang kesetanan, dan yang nonton terpaku nonton dan mendengarkan, kyak segan mo bergerak ato bicara.
Beda keduanya musik metal bertempo jauh-jauh lebih cepat dibanding musik reog, dan yah lebih disturbing.
dicermati dari segi bentuk, musik metal adalah musik kemarahan. dan saya punya petikan kata2 yang bagus dari house mengenai hal itu:
Dr. House: This is our fault. Doctors over-prescribing antibiotics. Got a cold? Take some penicillin. Sniffles? No problem. Have some azithromycin. Is that not working anymore? Well, got your Levaquin. Antibacterial soaps in every bathroom. We'll be adding vancomycin to the water supply soon. We bred these superbugs. They're our babies. And they're all grown up and they've got body piercings and a lot of anger.
House, Episode 4: Maternity, Season 1.
well, House ngomong klo kemarahan ini karena nih anak-anak terlalu dilindungi oleh antibiotik. sangking dilindunginya jadi tumbuh tanpa banyak kena sakit, akibatnya ketika telah tumbuh ABG jadi masang tindik dan punya berbagai kemarahan, karena ga pernah mendapat kesempatan belajar memerangi rasa sakit itu sendiri.
its, a hell of theory.
jadi inget Tyler Durden-nya Fight Club yang mengusung ideologi (nggak gitu yakin klo disebut ideologi juga, mungkin pemikirian tepatnya) selfdestruction. Ketika pertama kali pukul-pukulan yang menjadi cikal bakal fight club, dia bilang: "Pukul aku." "kenapa?" "pukul aja! aku nggak mau mati tanpa baret luka, seperti mobil klasik yang mulus. Terasa begitu sia-sia. haha"
and so this generation is not going to self destruction of Tyler Durden or piercing like what House said. They go to music. and this Angry Generation with art make this death metal born.
well, that just my theory too, as a story and without any research on this music genre. hehe.
So i go home, after some song, with some adrenalin left in the blood. Outside the gig place, everything feel so calm. Feel like nothing can stop you, with the heart rate at the top notch.
Now i know, why we like to go the place like ancol and bayar mahal cuma untuk ditakuti.
same with what i feel before.
and thats it. with it, i rest my notes. :)
PS: Late post from my facebook notes on 13 May 2013.
Rabu, 17 Agustus 2016
What to do with this blog: krofanomenologi
Alright, I wanna say one or two about this blog.
So, this blog was made with support of my beloved wife. She said I should do better thing for my time. I just lazy as fuck, haha.
In this blog, I would like to talk about some curious thing, ideal crazy thing, and some food for mind that i come across. Like:
Why we do what we do?
What is love?
Why jealous, and what it really is?
Education, what to educate our child to survive in the near future?
What is money? What is it nature? And how it affect people?
I found that kind of question make mehorny intersted. :D
Some people fill the gap of their heart with hobby, maybe this kind of question is my hobby, haha.
I kind of people that close the gap in searching of meaning within the heart with problem to answer.
What a maniac of me, yah.. haha
Well, anyway, hope you enjoy it. ;)
PS: English is not my first language, so pardon my cuteness not telling you the case fluently. :P
So, this blog was made with support of my beloved wife. She said I should do better thing for my time. I just lazy as fuck, haha.
In this blog, I would like to talk about some curious thing, ideal crazy thing, and some food for mind that i come across. Like:
Why we do what we do?
What is love?
Why jealous, and what it really is?
Education, what to educate our child to survive in the near future?
What is money? What is it nature? And how it affect people?
I found that kind of question make me
Some people fill the gap of their heart with hobby, maybe this kind of question is my hobby, haha.
I kind of people that close the gap in searching of meaning within the heart with problem to answer.
What a maniac of me, yah.. haha
Well, anyway, hope you enjoy it. ;)
PS: English is not my first language, so pardon my cuteness not telling you the case fluently. :P
Senin, 15 Agustus 2016
Why Jealousy Tempting Passionately
Lately, I was confronted on interesting thing, when happily surfing on the net wave.
Its about why people with great spouse still cheating. The man that have a beautiful wife, graceful, smart, funny, still cheat. The women with charismatic, funny, interesting, capabel husband, cheat also.
It's so ridiculous, because the notion that belived by our society is that when you have a great spouse and relationship, you wont cheat.
but why? Why the hell.. it could happened? why have the perfect thing and still feel not enough?
Is it because basic human doing of never feeling enough?
but isn't that not feeling enough can be solved by being humbled. being grateful.
so the cheater can solve this problem with gratefulling anything. Never take anything for granted.
Is it solved?
are their reason for cheating is only the not enough feeling?
The man cheater said that he cheat out of impulse. Just cheat because tempted on it.
Like little kid that tempted by the candy in front of him, take it, eat it, without thinking the ownership. Even though he already know that kind of act is plainly wrong. He just can't helped it.
If that is the reason, it should be easy just to tell the cheater to grow up and be more responsible.
okay, we can stop it here.
but I like to more deeper. To the question like how could the kid tempted?
So lets get a little philosophical crazy. haha.
The Reason.
One explanation of this phenomena came from the passion formula.
Passion = Attraction/Desire + Obstacle
with this formula, we could answer why the thing we already have was not excite us anymore. because the obstacle doesn't exist anymore.
The wife or husband tend to think, that they have already owned their spouse. Ergo, it doesn't excite them anymore.
The Guitar that you really wanna buy, so you save money for a year, that so exciting to play doesn't feel so anymore after you've owned it for a year. The obstacle just doesn't exist anymore.
well, the question remain from this answer is that how to have something but still be passionate about it?
The answer that I could thought is to Level Up. Like in the game.
Have higher goal together, and try to achive it together.
well, that what I could say now.. haha
Its about why people with great spouse still cheating. The man that have a beautiful wife, graceful, smart, funny, still cheat. The women with charismatic, funny, interesting, capabel husband, cheat also.
It's so ridiculous, because the notion that belived by our society is that when you have a great spouse and relationship, you wont cheat.
but why? Why the hell.. it could happened? why have the perfect thing and still feel not enough?
Is it because basic human doing of never feeling enough?
but isn't that not feeling enough can be solved by being humbled. being grateful.
so the cheater can solve this problem with gratefulling anything. Never take anything for granted.
Is it solved?
are their reason for cheating is only the not enough feeling?
The man cheater said that he cheat out of impulse. Just cheat because tempted on it.
Like little kid that tempted by the candy in front of him, take it, eat it, without thinking the ownership. Even though he already know that kind of act is plainly wrong. He just can't helped it.
If that is the reason, it should be easy just to tell the cheater to grow up and be more responsible.
okay, we can stop it here.
but I like to more deeper. To the question like how could the kid tempted?
So lets get a little philosophical crazy. haha.
The Reason.
One explanation of this phenomena came from the passion formula.
Passion = Attraction/Desire + Obstacle
with this formula, we could answer why the thing we already have was not excite us anymore. because the obstacle doesn't exist anymore.
The wife or husband tend to think, that they have already owned their spouse. Ergo, it doesn't excite them anymore.
The Guitar that you really wanna buy, so you save money for a year, that so exciting to play doesn't feel so anymore after you've owned it for a year. The obstacle just doesn't exist anymore.
well, the question remain from this answer is that how to have something but still be passionate about it?
The answer that I could thought is to Level Up. Like in the game.
Have higher goal together, and try to achive it together.
well, that what I could say now.. haha
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